Jared Bales

Bedfordview | Houghton


Hi I’m Jared

I am a qualified Biokineticist registered with the Health Professionals Council of South Africa and Biokinetics Association of South Africa. I completed my studies at the University of Johannesburg in 2016 obtaining both my BA Sports Psychology and BA Biokinetics degrees. There after I completed my internship at the Centre for Exercise Science and Sports Medicine (Wits) in 2017. I am also qualified and certifiee Sports massage therapist.

I am a loyal and very caring individual and love to help out where I can. I am a huge sporting person, in particular I have a passion for soccer and rugby and also believe that health and fitness is a huge part of my life. My passion for Biokinetics and a career choice arose from myself having experienced many situations where I was unable to move or part take in my favourite sporting activity, so to learn and then not only help myself but be able to help other athletes and many other people who have lost this ability we call movement, brings me pride and joy knowing I can make a difference in their lives.

Contact Info

Phone : 071 527 3990 / 071 683 2706
Email : biokinetics.vanvuuren@gmail.com